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getmemberidbyitgrelnr [2016/05/23 10:16]
marcel created
getmemberidbyitgrelnr [2016/05/23 11:23]
Line 1: Line 1:
-==== /​pwg/​Koppeling intogolf ==== 
-Thid function gives you the Proware memberid by relation is he/she has in intogolf. ​ 
-|itgrelnr|Intogolf relation id| 
-Information:​ When the member can not be found the function returns -9. 
-https://​​api/​getmemberidbyitgrelnr/​key/<​your authrisation code here>/​itgrelnr/<​Intogolf relation id> 
- "​getmemberidbyitgrelnr":​[ 
-  { 
-   "​lidnummer":"​5"​ 
-  } 
- ] 
getmemberidbyitgrelnr.txt ยท Last modified: 2016/05/23 11:23 (external edit)