====/igg/bookings==== Retrieve a list of all bookings of a golfer. Bookings with a startdate that is already behind us are ignored. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)| |relnr |client id of the use| |relkey |the hash key that was provided upon login (mandatory)| |crsnr |limit the results to only this course| |lng |1 english 2 dutch (default if parameter is omitted)| example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/bookings?auth=&relnr=398801&relkey=68de29c0547a5c23ad51f62154d1177c result: { "bookings": [ { "crsnr": 5, "crsphone": "020-6361010", "startdate": "20120928", "starttime": 640, "reftype": 1, "refnr": 3054643, "descr": "teetime on a`dam waterland, 2 golfers, 9h.", "candeleteyn": 1 } ] } If candeleteyn = 0, you need to disable the delete function and display a message that the user will have to call the golfcourse (at crsphone) in order to delete the booking reftype can be one of the following: |1 |teetime reservation| |2 |golf lesson| |3 |subscription for a golf competition| refnr is the internal id of the booking if a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return “no authorisation”