====/itg/getflight==== To retrieve detailed data of teetime reservations (called flights). This function is meant for operational purposes, not for management info or statistics. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)| |fltnr |internal id of the flight| |relnr |internal id of a golfer within the domain of ikgagolfen| |relnrlocal |local id of a golfer within the domain of the golfcourse| |startdate |date the flightreservation is made for (format YYYYMMDD) | |starttime |time the flightreservation is made for in minutes since midnight (600 = 10 o'clock, 720 is noon) | At least one of the parameters fltnr, relnr, relnrlocal, startdate, strttime needs to be provided, otherwise the return code 449 - Retry with valid parameters is returned. If the parameters fltnr and/or startdate are not provided, the resultset will always be limited to startdates >= today If the parameter fltnr is provided all other selection parameters are ignored. If the parameter fltnr is not provided, only non-canceled flights are returned. If the result set is longer than 1000 records, it will be truncated. If a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401,“Unauthorized” example: https://backend.intogolf.com/itg/getflight?auth=&relnr=659764&startdate=20130530 To obtain the flight for the golfer with id 659764 (see igg/getgolfer) for may 30th, 2013 result (shortened for readability): { { "getflight": [ { "fltnr": 3436124, "startdate": 20130530, "starttimebooked": 510, "starttimefixed": false, "starttime": 510, "breaktime": 0, "time2": 630, "crlnr1": 44, "crlnr2": 70, "nrofplayers": 3, "nomerging": false, "origin": 1, "timestamp": "2013-05-23T16:07:45+02:00", "carnr": 0, "carname": null, "locked_by": 205, "players": [ { "flpnr": 11162606, "relnr": 659764, "relnrlocal": 12590, "name": "knol-pas, s.a.w.", "phone": "0135159339", "handicap": 54.0, "grfnr": 4, "grfname": "lid (gratis)", "greenfee": 0.0, "grfnrdiscount": 0, "grfnamediscount": null, "discount": 0.0, "gfcnr": 0, "gfcnrdiscount": 0, "scorecardnr": 0, "qualifyingnr": 0, "carnr": 0, "rentals": [ { "rentalnr": 155200, "rentaltypenr": 121, "rentaltype": "handicart", "rentalitemnr": 93, "rentalitem": "handicart 2", "rentaltimefrom": 510, "rentaltimeto": 750, "extratimebefore": 10, "extratimeafter": 15, "extrainfo": "", "rentalprice": 0.0, "checkedin": false } ] }, { "flpnr": 11162607, "relnr": 701160, "relnrlocal": 193732, "name": "knol, r.j.w.", "phone": "0135159339", "handicap": 54.0, "grfnr": 57, "grfname": "greenfee", "greenfee": 47.25, "grfnrdiscount": 48, "grfnamediscount": "bonus", "discount": 5.0, "gfcnr": 0, "gfcnrdiscount": 0, "scorecardnr": 0, "qualifyingnr": 0, "carnr": 0, "rentals": [ { "rentalnr": 155199, "rentaltypenr": 36, "rentaltype": "trolley", "rentalitemnr": null, "rentalitem": null, "rentaltimefrom": 510, "rentaltimeto": 750, "extratimebefore": 0, "extratimeafter": 0, "extrainfo": "", "rentalprice": 0.0, "checkedin": false } ] }, { "flpnr": 11162608, "relnr": 243520, "relnrlocal": 22359, "name": "aikema, annerie", "phone": "0118561413", "handicap": 45.0, "grfnr": 340, "grfname": "10 rittenkaart", "greenfee": 0.0, "grfnrdiscount": 0, "grfnamediscount": null, "discount": 0.0, "gfcnr": 12365, "gfcnrdiscount": 0, "scorecardnr": 0, "qualifyingnr": 0, "carnr": 0, "gfcname": "10 rittenkaart", "gfcdatefrom": 20130501, "gfcdateto": 20140430, "totalrounds": 10, "usedrounds": 0, "rentals": [ ] } ] } ] } Flight info: |fltnr |internal id of this flight| |startdate |date at which the golfround will be played in YYYYMMDD format| |starttimebooked|teetime that was booked in minutes since midnight| |starttimefixed |if true, this teetime is not allowed to shift for teesheet optimization| |starttime |teetime (same as starttimebooked unless automatic teesheet optimization is enabled)| |breaktime |pauze in minutes between 9th hole and 10th tee| |time2 |teetime on the second course loop (10th tee)| |crlnr1 |internal id of first courseloop| |crlnr2 |internal id of 2nd courseloop. If 0 only 9 holes are played| |nrofplayers |number of players in the flight (can be more than 4)| |nomerging |if true it is not possible to add another booking to fill up the 4 places in a flight| |origin |1 - phone/reception, 2 - internet| |timestamp |date and time the booking was made| |carnr |internal id of reason if the booking was canceled| |carname |description of cancelreason| |locked_by |id of the computer that holds the flight in a lock| Players (if the parameter fltnr was provided, these subrecords may also include players that have canceled (carnr>0): |flpnr|internal id of the flight player| |relnr|global id of the golfer (can be 0 if the golfer is not known globally)| |relnrlocal|local id of the golfer for this golfcourse (can be 0 if the golfer is not known locally)| |name|name of the golfer| |phone|phone number| |handicap|handicap of the golfer| |grfnr|internal id of the greenfee| |grfname|name of the greenfee| |greenfee|greenfee price| |grfnrdiscount|internal id of discount| |grfnamediscount|name of discount| |discount|discount amount| |gfcnr|internal id of greenfeecard| |gfcname|name of the greenfeecard| |gfcdatefrom|date the greenfeecard became valid| |gfcdateto| date after which the greenfeecard is expired| |totalrounds|total value of the greenfeecard| |usedrounds|used up value of the greenfeecard (totalrounds - usedrounds = balance). Beware that this value will only include the current flight if the player has checked in| |gfcnrdiscount|internal id of discountcard| |gfcdatefromdiscount|date the discountcard became valid| |gfcdatetodiscount| date after which the discountcard is expired| |totalroundsdiscount|total value of the discountcard| |usedroundsdiscount|used up value of the discountcard (totalrounds - usedrounds = balance). Beware that this value will only include the current flight if the player has checked in| |scorecardnr|internal id of scorecard if the player has checked in (use this to test if the player has checked in and payed)| |qualifyingnr|internal id of qualifying card| |carnr|internal id of cancel reason if this player was canceled| Rentals (if a rental record was assigned to a specific player, the record will appear as a subrecord to that player in the resultset. All rental records that are not assigned to a player will be treated as if they were assigned to the first player in the flight): |rentalnr|internal id id the rental record| |rentaltypenr|internal id of the type of object that was rented| |rentaltype|name of the type of object that was rented| |rentalitemnr|internal id of the item that was rented (if specified)| |rentalitem|name if the item that was rented if specified (i.e. Buggy 3)| |rentaltimefrom|time from in minutes since midnight| |rentaltimeto|time to in minutes since midnight| |extratimebefore|extra time the item is blocked before time from| |extratimeafter|extra time the item is blocked after time to| |extrainfo|extra info textfield| |rentalprice|rental fee| |checkedin|if true the rental item was checked in together with the player and has been paid for|