====/itg/getrelations==== Retrieve relation data of 1 relation, all relations or all realtions updated since a specific date. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory) (you need autorisation level 3 for this API)| |relnr |retrieve 1 (possibly more if duplicates exist) golfer with ikgagolfen id| |relnrlocal |retrieve 1 golfer with this local id within the domain of the golfcourse| |mbrcode |retrieve the golfer(s) with this membercode| |ngfnumber |retrieve the golfer(s) with this ngf number| |debtorid |retrieve the golfer(s) with this debtorid| |externalid |retrieve the golfer(s) with this externalid| |datefrom |retrieve data of all golfers changed since this date (format yyyymmdd)| If only the auth parameter is provided, all non-deleted golfers are returned. If a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401,“Unauthorized” example: https://backend.intogolf.com/itg/getrelations?auth=&relnr=659764 result: { "getrelations": [ { "relnr": 999999, "relnrlocal": 1, "type": 0, "lastname": "Knol", "initials": "R", "prefix": "", "firstname": "Richard", "rtlnr": 1, "address1": "Moerstraat 7", "address2": "", "city": "Rotterdam", "postalcode": "0000TT", "isocountry": "NL", "phone": "123456789", "phonemobile": "123456789", "phonework": "123456789", "fax": "123456789", "email": "helpdesk@intogolf.com", "emailwork": "", "datebirth": "19650225", "handicap": 18.2, "ngfnumber": "913753", "externalid": "", "debtorid": "5", "maxcredit": 0, "value1": "", "value2": "", "value3": "", "companyrelnrlocal": 3, "debtorrelnrlocal": 0, "mailrelnrlocal": 0, "language": 2, "bankaccount": null, "vatid": null, "mbrcode": "KNOL01", "membertype": "PL", "relationtype1": 0, "relationtype2": 0, "relationtype3": 0, "default_greenfee": 0, "deleted": 0 } ] } |initials|if the relation is a company, this field will be filled with an optional 2nd line of the company name| |type |0 - person, 1 - company| |rtlnr |1 - male, 2 - female| |isocountry |2 letter country code| |datebirth |dateformat yyyymmdd| |language |2 dutch, 1 english|