====/itg/paymethods==== Retrieve a list of all available pay methods for financial transactions. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)| If a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401,“Unauthorized” example: https://backend.intogolf.com/itg/paymethods?auth= result: { "paymethods": [ { "pmtnr": 1, "name": "contant" }, { "pmtnr": 2, "name": "op rekening" }, { "pmtnr": 8, "name": "kadobon" }, { "pmtnr": 30, "name": "creditcard" }, { "pmtnr": 75, "name": "klantsaldo (ig)" }, { "pmtnr": 270, "name": "klantsaldo horeca" }, { "pmtnr": 347, "name": "uitgifte spaarpunten/tegoedbon" }, { "pmtnr": 348, "name": "inwisselen spaarpunten/tegoedb" } ] } |pmtnr |internal id of the pay method| |name|name of the pay method|