====/igg/relationfreefielddefinition==== Request a definition of all user defined free fields for registering Relations. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV| |crsnr |nr of the course| |all parameters are mandatory|| example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/relationfreefielddefinition?auth=&crsnr=1 result: { "relationfreefielddefinition": [ { "ffdnr": 1, "ffdname": "contractdatum", "ffdformat": "LocalDate" }, { "ffdnr": 8, "ffdname": "soort contract", "ffdformat": "listbox", "optiontable": [ { "ffonr": 47, "ffoname": "basic contract" }, { "ffonr": 48, "ffoname": "wurg contract" } ] }, { "ffdnr": 2, "ffdname": "datum einde contract", "ffdformat": "LocalDate" }, { "ffdnr": 3, "ffdname": "contractdocument", "ffdformat": "binary" } ] } If you look at the the 2nd record in the resultset, you see that the value is to be selected from a list of predefined options.