====/igg/valuetable==== To retreive a list of possible values for a value table. parameters: |auth |the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV| |crsnr |nr of the course only this course exclusively| |table |Name of the value table. Valid names are (warning: names are case sensitive):| | |TargetGroup| | |CompanyType| | |MarketSection| | |Sector| | |Branche| | |Product| | |ProspectStatus| | |Region| | |Distance| | |RelationCategory1| | |RelationCategory2| | |RelationCategory3| | |Country| | |Language| | |GolfClub| all parameters are mandatory example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/courses?auth=&crsnr=1&table=TargetGroup result: { "valuetable": [ { "nr": 1, "name": "golfers" }, { "nr": 2, "name": "golfbaan exploitanten" }, { "nr": 3, "name": "golfscholen" }, { "nr": 4, "name": "golfvereningingen" }, { "nr": 7, "name": "adverteerders" } ] }