
Retrieve a list of all bookings of a golfer. Bookings with a startdate that is already behind us are ignored.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
relnr client id of the use
relkey the hash key that was provided upon login (mandatory)
crsnr limit the results to only this course
lng 1 english 2 dutch (default if parameter is omitted)

example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/bookings?auth=<your authorisation code>&relnr=398801&relkey=68de29c0547a5c23ad51f62154d1177c


  "bookings": [
      "crsnr": 5,
      "crsphone": "020-6361010",
      "startdate": "20120928",
      "starttime": 640,
      "reftype": 1,
      "refnr": 3054643,
      "descr": "teetime on a`dam waterland, 2 golfers, 9h.",
      "candeleteyn": 1

If candeleteyn = 0, you need to disable the delete function and display a message that the user will have to call the golfcourse (at crsphone) in order to delete the booking

reftype can be one of the following:

1 teetime reservation
2 golf lesson
3 subscription for a golf competition

refnr is the internal id of the booking

if a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return “no authorisation”