
Book a new lesson


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
crsnr the id of the course (mandatory)
date the date the golfer wishes to have a lesson (mandatory)
time the time the golfer wishes to have a lesson (mandatory)
pronr the id of the professional (mandatory)
pltnr the id of the lessontype (mandatory)
players the nr of players (min 1 max 4) (defaults to 1)
relnr the id of the golfer that is currently logged in (mandatory)
relkey the hash key that was provided upon login (mandatory)
copyreltolocal if 1 the personal data of the golfer will be copied to the database of the golfcourse. if the golfer does not exist in the local database of the golfcourse, the lesson can not be booked. You have to notify the golfer that his data will be copied.
lng 1 english 2 dutch (default if parameter is omitted)
test Obsolete
testonly if 1 the booking will immediately be deleted (for testing in live database)

It is not possible to change an existing lesson. If a change is needed, you should to cancel the booking first and make a new booking immediately afterwards.

example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/booklesson?auth=<your authorisation code>crsnr=1&date=20121001&time=720&pronr=7493&pltnr=1&players=2&relnr=707025&relkey=a8d2aaaef4131d033d60cdfd0bfe9804&copyreltolocal=1&testonly=1

result (if succesful):

  "booklesson": [
      "lesnr": 167068,
      "errormsg": ""

or if the booking fails:

  "booklesson": [
      "lesnr": 167068,
      "errormsg": "de speler heeft meer dan 1 boeking voor vandaag"

if a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return “no authorisation”