
The function returns a teesheet between 2 days. Id you want one day use the same date in startdate and enddate. If you use the parameter loggedin with value 1 the names, searchcodes and contributioncodes of the persons will show in the output. When you dont use the paramter the will not show.

Function: getcalendar

parameters: startdate, enddate

Optional paramtere: loggedin

Example: https://backend.prowaregolf.nl/api/getcalendar/key/<your authrisation code here>/startdate/<start date>/enddate/<end date>/loggedin/<When logged in then 1 else dont use this parameter>


With parameter logged in:
   "Zoekcode":"TEST 1",
   "Lus":"Eerste 9 holes",

Without parameter logged in:
   "Lus":"Eerste 9 holes",