
Retrieve relation data of 1 member, all members or all members updated since a specific date. A relation is a member if an active membership is found.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory) (you need autorisation level 3 for this API)
relnr retrieve 1 (possibly more if duplicates exist) golfer with ikgagolfen id
relnrlocal retrieve 1 golfer with this local id within the domain of the golfcourse
mbrcode retrieve the golfer(s) with this membercode
ngfnumber retrieve the golfer(s) with this ngf number
debtorid retrieve the golfer(s) with this debtorid
externalid retrieve the golfer(s) with this externalid
datefrom retrieve data of all golfers changed since this date (format yyyymmdd)

If only the auth parameter is provided, all non-deleted golfers are returned.

It is possible (although unlikely) that 1 relation has multiple memberships within the same company.

If a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401,“Unauthorized”

example: https://backend.intogolf.com/itg/getrelations?auth=<your authorisation code>&relnr=659764



    "getmembers": [
            "relnr": 701160,
            "relnrlocal": 2,
            "type": 0,
            "lastname": "Knol",
            "initials": "R.J.W.",
            "prefix": "",
            "firstname": "Richard",
            "rtlnr": 1,
            "address1": "Zijstraat 7",
            "address2": "",
            "city": "DE MOER",
            "postalcode": "5176NG",
            "isocountry": "NL",
            "phone": "0135799321",
            "phonemobile": "0135159339",
            "phonework": "0416851520",
            "fax": "0416539263",
            "email": "richard@intogolf.com",
            "emailwork": "",
            "datebirth": "19650225",
            "handicap": 18.2,
            "handicapactive": 1,
            "ngfnumber": "913753",
            "externalid": "",
            "debtorid": "5",
            "maxcredit": 0,
            "value1": "",
            "value2": "",
            "value3": "",
            "companyrelnrlocal": 3,
            "debtorrelnrlocal": 0,
            "mailrelnrlocal": 0,
            "language": 2,
            "bankaccount": null,
            "vatid": null,
            "deleted": 0,
            "mbrcode": "KNOL01",
            "cmtnr": 2,
            "cmtcode": "BL",
            "mbrdatefrom": "20100312",
            "mbrdateto": "19000101",
            "golfjournaal": "0",
            "sendtongf": 1,
            "cardname1": "R.J.W. KNOL",
            "cardname2": "",
            "maidenname": "",
            "birthplace": "",
            "homeclubelsewhere": null,
            "startgolfdate": null,
            "rulesexam": "20060121",
            "coursepermdate": "20060121",
            "coursepermapprovaldate": "20060121",
            "hcp54date": "20060121"

initialsif the relation is a company, this field will be filled with an optional 2nd line of the company name
type 0 - person, 1 - company
rtlnr 1 - male, 2 - female
isocountry 2 letter country code
datebirth dateformat yyyymmdd
language 2 dutch, 1 english
cmtcode type of membership
mbrdatefrom dateformat yyyymmdd
mbrdateto dateformat yyyymmdd, 19000101 means no date
homeclubelsewhere number of the member's homecourse
startgolfdate dateformat yyyymmdd
rulesexam dateformat yyyymmdd
coursepermdate dateformat yyyymmdd
coursepermapprovaldate dateformat yyyymmdd
hcp54date dateformat yyyymmdd