
Set the handicap of a relation or mamber. This will only work if there are no entries present in the handicap administration of intogolf. Also note that using this API will changed the timestamp of the relation, so the next time you request /itg/getrelations?date=yyyymmdd or /itg/getmembers this relation will be fetched as well.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
handicapthe new handicap (format 99.9) (mandatory)
active1 if the handicap is active, 0 if inactive (mandatory)
relnr specify the relation(s) to be changed by ikgagolfen id
relnrlocal specify the relation to be changed by local id within the domain of the golfcourse
mbrcode specify the relation(s) to be changed by membercode
ngfnumber specify the relation(s) to be changed by ngf number
debtorid specify the relation(s) to be changed by debtorid
externalid specify the relation(s) to be changed by externalid

You need to specify at least one of the non-mandatory parameters to specify which relation/member needs to be updated. There is no guarantee that the parameters relnr, mbrcode, ngfnumber, debtorid, externalid will point to only 1 relation or member. It is possible that multiple relations exist with the id and that the handicap of multiple relations will be changed. Only relnrlocal is always unique. But even with a unique relation it is technically possible that multiple memberships exist.

The API will always return all relations/memberships that meet the criteria

If a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401,“Unauthorized”

example: https://backend.intogolf.com/itg/sethandicap?auth=<your authorisation code>&relnr=659764&handicap=23.4



    "sethandicap": [
            "relnr": 659764,
            "relnrlocal": 123456,
            "handicap": "23.4",
            "active": 1


This API returns all records (normally only 1) that have been changed