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Set an option on or off by a player on a match.

Function: horecalid

parameters: no parameters required

Example:<your authrisation code here>/


   "zoekcode":" 1",
   "samennaam":"Edwin Kerkhoven",
   "postcode":"2411 TT",
   "telefoon_mobiel":"06 1234567",
   "correspondentie":"Edwin Kerkhoven\r\nTeststraatjes 3 ab\r\n2411 TT  TESTCITY\r\n",
   "aanhef":"De heer"
   "zoekcode":"LUDE 4",
   "samennaam":"Laurens Luder",
   "postcode":"2411 tt",
   "correspondentie":"J. DoughtieTeststraattje 1 2411 tt  TESTDORPP",
   "aanhef":"De heer"
horecalid.1404803835.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/07/08 08:17 (external edit)