
Add a new relation or member to the intogolf database. Please try to format the data correctly. Eventhough the interface does a few basic checks it is still easy to mess up the database. There will be no checking for double entries in the database either. double entries will later be filtered by a periodic preocedure that tracks them down and merges them together on the top-level, but not inside your own client databse or membership database.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
crsnr nr of the course (mandatory)
lastname last name withouth “van der” (mandatory)
nameprefix van der
firstname first name (intitials or firstname is mandatory)
initials intitials (I.K.Th.) (intitials or firstname is mandatory)
gender 0 - female, 1 male
address name of the street with or without house number
nrhouse number of the house will be placed behind the street (if you dont want this, merge them together yourself in the paramter street)
pc postalcode
city name of the city
counr id of the country (see valuetable for a list of available countries)
lng language (1-english, 2 dutch)
email email address (mandatory)
phone phone numer of a land line
mobilephone cell phone number
birthdate date of birth in YYYMMDD format
ngf NGF number. When adding a member with handicap registration, the new member will always receive a new ngf number from the authority. This field will be cleared when cmtnr is filled and handicaptype=2
gpp GolfPassport number
extra1 Value for freefield 1 (if defined in intogolf)
extra2 Value for freefield 2 (if defined in intogolf)
extra3 Value for freefield 3 (if defined in intogolf)
tgpnr id for TargetGroup (see valuetable for a list of available values)
cptnr id for CompanyType (see valuetable for a list of available values)
mscnr id for MarketSection (see valuetable for a list of available values)
secnr id for Sector (see valuetable for a list of available values)
branr id for Branche (see valuetable for a list of available values)
pronr id for Product (see valuetable for a list of available values)
ppsnr id for ProspectStatus (see valuetable for a list of available values)
regnr id for Region (see valuetable for a list of available values)
disnr id for Distance (see valuetable for a list of available values)
rc1nr id for RelationCategory1 (see valuetable for a list of available values)
rc2nr id for RelationCategory2 (see valuetable for a list of available values)
rc3nr id for RelationCategory3 (see valuetable for a list of available values)
pwd new password for this user (mandatory)
cmtnr id of membertype (see membertypes for a list of available values) if you want to add this relation as a member. if empty or 0, the relation will only be added as a relation without membership
handicaptype 1 - a member with another home club for his handicap (no handicp registration in our club, parameter gclnr must be provided), 2 - member with handicapregistration, 3 no member, no handicapregistration (contrary to what you might think, a membership will still be added, but it will not be passed on to the NGF) A value of 2 will clear the field ngf, because the new member will always receive a new ngf id from the authority
gclnr id of the alternative home club for this member. You can retrieve a list of possible values through valuetable with parameter table=GolfClub. This id is mandatory if you specified 1 for the parameter handicaptype (a member with another home club for his handicap)
handicap current handicap of the relation (if the relation is a member with handicaptype=2, a new entry in the handicap administration will be made for this value/ It is your responsibility to check if the entered value is correct)
handicapactive 0 - inactive handicap, 1 active handicap
rulesexam date when the golfer passed its rules exam (if applicable) YYYYMMDD
hcp54round date when the golfer played its first hcp 54 round or passed its GVB exam (if applicable) YYYYMMDD
startinvoice date to start invoicing. if empty invoicing will start as of today, if > today invoicing will be postponed until this date. This is useful for people that become a member at for instance december 5th and do not have to pay for the current year.
freefield_<id> value for FreeFieldDefinition with id <id>. (see relationfreefielddefinition for a list of available FreeFieldDefinitions and their possible values) (please note that the format “LocalDate” will require a date value formatted as DD/MM/YYYY and the format “listbox” will require a value that is present in the key “optiontable” under “ffoNr” )

example: http://localhost:9292/igg/addrelation?auth=<your code>&crsnr=1&lastname=Tester&firstname=Tinus&gender=1&addres=straat&pc=5176NG&city=Helmond&counr=1&lngnr=2&email=richard@intogolf.com&phone=0135159339&birthdate=19650225&pwd=tja&cmtnr=1&handicaptype=2&handicap=23.5&handicapactive=1&rulesexam=20120101&hcp54round=20120201&freefield_8=48&freefield_1=31/12/2012


  "addrelation": [
      "relnr": 198900,
      "debtorid": "125486",
      "mbrnr": 15652,
      "mbrcode": "TEST05",
      "authHash": "8c3a492b9bd0740d702a88c5776f8762"

The values for relnr and mbr are internal values.

If you do not provide the cmtnr parameter, no membership will be added and the mbrnr returnvalue will be 0.

The value for “debtorid” will only be returned if you specified automatic numbering of debtors in the administration data of intogolf.

The value “mbrcode” return the newly added member code for the new Member (if added)