If you want to add a new Member to the default club or the course, you will need to specify the membertype. This interface provides a list of all available membertypes.
auth | the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV |
crsnr | nr of the course |
all parameters are mandatory |
example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/igg/membertypes?auth=<your authrisation code here>&crsnr=1
{ "membertypes": [ { "cmtnr": 1, "cmtcode": "PL", "cmtname": "persoonlijk lid" }, { "cmtnr": 2, "cmtcode": "BL", "cmtname": "bedrijfslid" }, { "cmtnr": 3, "cmtcode": "PR", "cmtname": "proeflid" }, { "cmtnr": 4, "cmtcode": "RL", "cmtname": "regstratielid" } ] }