
Create a new scorecard.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
relnr the id of the golfer (mandatory)
epenr the id of the player within a competition. if epenr is provided, you can omit chhnr, date, time, ratnr and handicap, because any values provided for these parameters will be overruled by whatever is defined inside the competition.
chhnr the id of the registration in the handicap history.
date mandatory unless epenr is provided. format yyyymmdd
time starttime is mandatory unless epenr is provided. formatted as minutes since midnight (10:00 = 600, 12:40 = 760)
ratnr id of the measured course. mandatory unless epenr is provided. ratnr is a unique identifier for the combination of golfclub, which 9 or 18 holes loops and tee color
handicapEGA or clubhandicap of the golfer (mandatory)

example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/hcp/newscorecard?auth=<your authorisation code>&645347&relnr=123456&epenr=12345&handicap=23.4

example: https://backend.ikgagolfen.nl/hcp/newscorecard?auth=<your authorisation code>&645347&relnr=123456&chhnr=12345&date=20131126&time=630&ratnr=1234&handicap=23.4

result: see /hcp/getscorecard

You need to retrieve the rscnr form the resultset for later use. It is needed to edit the scorecard and can be used to easily retrieve the scorecard data.

Possible errors:

401 Unauthorized
406 Invalid relnr
406 Date not valid
406 Time not valid
406 Invalid course
500 Unexpected result 00021