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Retrieve a list of all qualifying and non-qualifying golfrounds played by a golfer.


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
relnr the id of the golfer (mandatory)
rscnr the id of the scorecard
epenr the id of the player within a competition
chhnr the id of the registration in the handicap history
ihhnr the id of the registration in the table with practise rounds.

Any one of the parameteres rscnr, epenr, chhnr or ihhnr is mandatory. Only one of these is needed, depending on the type of registration. If you know the id of the score card itself it is best to use only the rscnr.

example:<your authorisation code>&relnr=12590&epenr=234270


  "getscorecard": [
      "rscnr": 63989,
      "relnr": 12590,
      "date": 20131126,
      "time": 600,
      "ratnr": 123,
      "coursename": "Golfbaan het Balletje",
      "holes": 18,
      "teenr": 13,
      "par": 72,
      "sr": 113,
      "cr": 72.0,
      "handicap": 22.4,
      "playinghandicap": -25,
      "marker": "Henk de Groot",
      "strokes": 72,
      "stf": 36,
      "par1": 4,
      "si1": 3,
      "hcpstrokes1": 4,
      "strokes1": 4,
      "stf1": 2,
      "par2": 4,
      "si2": 11,
      "hcpstrokes2": 4,
      "strokes2": 4,
      "stf2": 2,
      "par3": 3,
      "si3": 13,
      "hcpstrokes3": 3,
      "strokes3": 4,
      "stf3": 1,
      "par4": 5,
      "si4": 1,
      "hcpstrokes4": 5,
      "strokes4": 4,
      "stf4": 3,
      "par5": 3,
      "si5": 17,
      "hcpstrokes5": 3,
      "strokes5": 4,
      "stf5": 1,
      "par6": 4,
      "si6": 9,
      "hcpstrokes6": 4,
      "strokes6": 4,
      "stf6": 2,
      "par7": 4,
      "si7": 15,
      "hcpstrokes7": 4,
      "strokes7": 4,
      "stf7": 2,
      "par8": 5,
      "si8": 5,
      "hcpstrokes8": 5,
      "strokes8": 4,
      "stf8": 3,
      "par9": 4,
      "si9": 7,
      "hcpstrokes9": 4,
      "strokes9": 4,
      "stf9": 2,
      "par10": 4,
      "si10": 12,
      "hcpstrokes10": 4,
      "strokes10": 4,
      "stf10": 2,
      "par11": 5,
      "si11": 4,
      "hcpstrokes11": 5,
      "strokes11": 4,
      "stf11": 3,
      "par12": 3,
      "si12": 14,
      "hcpstrokes12": 3,
      "strokes12": 4,
      "stf12": 1,
      "par13": 4,
      "si13": 10,
      "hcpstrokes13": 4,
      "strokes13": 4,
      "stf13": 2,
      "par14": 4,
      "si14": 18,
      "hcpstrokes14": 4,
      "strokes14": 4,
      "stf14": 2,
      "par15": 4,
      "si15": 2,
      "hcpstrokes15": 4,
      "strokes15": 4,
      "stf15": 2,
      "par16": 3,
      "si16": 16,
      "hcpstrokes16": 3,
      "strokes16": 4,
      "stf16": 1,
      "par17": 4,
      "si17": 8,
      "hcpstrokes17": 4,
      "strokes17": 4,
      "stf17": 2,
      "par18": 5,
      "si18": 6,
      "hcpstrokes18": 5,
      "strokes18": 4,
      "stf18": 3,
      "remark": null
rscnr internal id of the scorecard
date date the round was played (format yyyymmdd)
time starttime at which the round was played in minutes since midnight
ratnrid of the measured course
teenrid of the tee used
par par of the course
sr slope rating of the course
cr course rating of the course
handicap handicap of the golfer as used fot this card
playinghandicap playing handicap used for this card
marker name of the marker
strokes total strokes
stf total stableford points
par1 .. 18 par of the hole
si1 .. 18 stroke index of the hole
hcpstrokes1 .. 18 nr of strokes based on stroke index and playing handicap
strokes1 .. 18 nr of strokes played
stf1 .. stf18 nr of computed stableford points for the hole

if a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return 401, Unauthorized if a wrong set of parameters is used, the backend will return 406, Not found

getscorecard.txt · Last modified: 2013/11/27 10:42 (external edit)