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Cancel an existing lesson


auth the authorisation code you received from Intogolf BV (mandatory)
crsnr the id of the course (mandatory)
relnr the id of the golfer that is currently logged in (mandatory)
relkey the hash key that was provided upon login (mandatory if relnr>0)
lesnr id of the lesson to be canceled (mandatory)

example:<your authorisation code>&crsnr=1&lesnr=167075&relnr=707025&relkey=a8d2aaaef4131d033d60cdfd0bfe9804

result (if succesful):

  "cancellesson": [
      "errorcode": 0,
      "errormsg": ""

Possible errorcodes are:

1 lesson not found
2 lessontype not found
3 relation was not found in golfcourse database
4 relation was not found in lesson
5 lesson not canceled

if a wrong authorisation code is provided, the backend will return “no authorisation”

cancellesson.txt · Last modified: 2012/12/14 15:54 by richard